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Combined Radar Observer Unlimited and ARPA
Lesson 0: Course Introduction (20 minutes)
Course Introduction (6 minutes of video) (5:30)
References and Resources (10 minutes of skimming)
Instructor Resume (4 minutes of skimming)
Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Radar (1 hour 18 minutes)
Fundamentals of Radar, Intro (13 minute of video) (12:59)
Fundamentals of Radar, Deeper Dive (25 minutes of video) (23:23)
Reading Assignment (30 minutes)
Quiz (10 minutes)
Lesson 2: Factors Affecting Radar Performance (2 hours)
Equipment Factors Affecting Radar Performance (30 minutes of video) (30:19)
Equipment Factors Reading Assignment (30 minutes)
External Factors Affecting Radar Performance (35 minute of video) (30:55)
External Factors Reading Assignment (15 minutes)
Quiz (10 minutes)
Lesson 3: Operational Controls, Settings, and Optimum Display (1 hour 40 minutes)
Radar Overview for Operational Controls (50 minutes of video) (45:53)
Introduction to ARPA (10 minute video and 10 minutes of reading) (6:34)
Introduction to AIS (10 minutes of video and 10 minutes of reading) (6:40)
Quiz (10 minutes)
Lesson 4: Wartsila Cloud Simulation Tutorials and Overview (1 hour)
Logging in to the Ocean Learning Portal (5 minute video) (3:48)
General Familiarization with Interface (25 minutes of video) (24:25)
Manuals (15+ minute Reading)
Exercise 1: Interface and Tuning the Radar (facilitated online learning)
Preparation for Facilitated Online Learning Exercise (3:48)
Lesson 5: Fundamentals of Speed, Distance, Time, and the Maneuvering Board (50 minutes)
Speed, Distance, and Time (12 minutes of video)
Orientation to the Maneuvering Board (6 minutes video, 10 minutes reading) (5:33)
Vectors and Maneuvering Board Lingo (8 minute video and 5 minute reading) (8:43)
Quiz (10 minutes)
Lesson 6: Fundamentals of Relative Motion (1 hour 43 minutes)
Relative Motion Theory (10 minute video, 10 minute reading) (9:19)
Relative Motion Demonstration #1 (Visual, Radar, MoBoard) (18 minutes of video) (18:10)
Relative Motion Demonstration #2 (Visual, Radar, MoBoard) (13 minutes of video) (12:41)
Relative Motion Demonstration #3 (Visual, Radar) (6 minutes of video) (5:47)
Determination of Direction and Speed of Relative Motion (6 minutes of video) (6:39)
Direction and Speed of Relative Motion Practice (20 minutes)
Quiz (20 minutes)
Lesson 7: Target CPA Calculation (1 hour)
CPA Time and Bearing Theory (10 minute video) (9:26)
CPA Time and Bearing Demonstration (MoBoard) (10 minute video) (10:21)
CPA Time and Bearing Practice (20 minutes)
Quiz (20 minutes)
Lesson 8: Target Course and Speed Calculation (1 hour 26 minutes)
Course and Speed Calculation Theory (15 minute video and 15 minutes reading) (14:52)
Transfer Plotting Demonstration (9 minute video) (9:22)
Rapid Radar Plotting Demonstration (7 minute video) (6:53)
Course and Speed Calculation Practice (20 minutes)
Quiz (20 minutes)
Lesson 9: Advanced Techniques (1 hour 16 minutes)
Avoidance (18 minutes of video) (17:05)
Intercept (9 minute video) (8:33)
Trial Maneuvers and Course/Speed Change Radar Demonstration (9 minute video) (9:04)
Avoidance and Intercept Practice (20 minutes)
Quiz (20 minutes)
Exercise 2: Target Plotting Practice Session (Self Paced, 4 hours)
Exercise Introduction (5 minutes) (1:33)
Exercise 2a (Graded Exercise) CPA (10 minutes) (3:31)
Exercise 2b (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA Bearing, CPA Time (15 minutes) (6:12)
Exercise 2c (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA Bearing, CPA Time (15 minutes) (4:01)
Exercise 2d (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA B/T, Course, Speed (25 minutes) (10:05)
Exercise 2e (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA B/T, Course, Speed (25 minutes) (4:23)
Exercise 2f (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA B/T, Course, Speed, ROTR (30 minutes) (6:17)
Exercise 2g (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA B/T, Course, Speed, ROTR (30 minutes) (5:42)
Exercise 2h (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA B/T, Course, Speed, ROTR, Avoidance(30 minutes) (8:26)
Exercise 2i (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA B/T, Course, Speed, ROTR, Avoidance (30 minutes) (5:24)
Exercise 2j (Graded Exercise) Relative Motion Concepts (10 minutes) (2:47)
Exercise 2k (Graded Exercise) Relative Motion Concepts (15 minutes) (2:24)
Maneuvering Board Extra Practice Problem Bank
Lesson 10: Collision Avoidance Regulations as Pertaining to Radar (1 hour, 53 minutes)
COLREGS overview as pertaining to Radar (2 minutes of video, 5 minutes of reading) (1:58)
Rule 2: Responsibility (3 minutes of video, 5 minutes of reading) (2:46)
Rule 4: Application (3 minutes of video, 5 minutes of reading) (3:01)
Rule 5: Look-out (3 minutes of video, 5 minutes of reading) (3:16)
Rule 6: Safe Speed (8 minutes of video, 5 minutes of reading) (8:26)
Rule 7: Risk of Collision (7 minutes of video, 5 minutes of reading) (7:09)
Rule 8: Action to Avoid Collision (7 minutes of video, 5 minutes of reading) (7:03)
Rule 19: Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility (10 minutes of video, 5 minutes of reading) (9:40)
Common Situation Demonstrated on Radar (20 minutes of video) (19:57)
Quiz (10 minutes)
Exercise 3: Radar Assisted Collision Avoidance (Self-Paced Online Learning)
Intro To COLREGS Exercises (6:28)
Preparations for Overtaking Exercise (1 hour) (Rule 13 Overtaking Ex 1) (4:48)
Preparations for Head On Exercise (1 hour) (Rule 14 Head on Ex 1) (4:48)
Preparations for Crossing Exercise (1 hour) (Rule 15 Crossing Ex 1) (4:48)
Preparations for Low Vis, Multiple Ships (1 hour) (Rule 19 Multiple) (4:48)
Lesson 11: Radar as a Navigational Aid (1 hour 36 minutes)
Overview of Radar Navigation (14 minutes of video and 15 minutes of reading) (14:06)
Radar Fixing, Ranges, and Bearings (16 minutes of video and 10 minutes of reading) (15:38)
Parallel Indexing (7 minute video and 10 minutes of reading) (7:00)
Other Navigation Aids (9 minutes of video and 5 minutes of reading) (8:47)
Quiz (10 minutes)
Exercise 4: Radar Navigation Session (facilitated online learning)
Preparation for Facilitated Online Learning Exercise (5 minutes) (1:32)
Exercise 4a1: Radar Position Fixing #1 (15 minutes) (5:08)
Exercise 4a2: Radar Position Fixing #2 (15 minutes) (3:13)
Exercise 4a3: Radar Position Fixing #3 (15 minutes) (4:39)
Exercise 4b: Anchorage Verification (20 minutes) (5:27)
Preparations for Live Training (2.5 hours)
Lesson 12: ARPA System and AIS Reporting Functions (2.6 hours)
ARPA and AIS, In Depth Introduction (25 minute reading)
Display Characteristics of Tracked Targets (12 minute video, 3 minute reading, 3 minute quiz) (11:37)
Display Characteristics of AIS Targets and Association of Tracked/Reported Targets (13 minute video, 3 minute reading, 3 minute quiz) (11:51)
IMO Performance Standards for ARPA and AIS Reporting Functions (23 minutes video and 30 minutes reading, 3 minute quiz)) (24:59)
Criteria for Acquisition of Radar Targets and Activation of AIS Targets (8 minute video, 3 minute quiz) (8:17)
Tracking Capabilities and Limitations (10 minute video, 10 minute reading, 3 minute quiz) (9:36)
Processing Delays of Target Tracking and Information Delays of AIS Reporting (5 minute video, 5 minute reading, and 3 minute quiz) (4:27)
Lesson 13: Operation of ARPA and AIS Reporting Functions (2 hours)
Setting Up and Maintaining ARPA Display (15 minute video, 10 minute reading) (15:17)
Setting Up and Maintaining AIS Display (7 minute video, 10 minute reading) (5:33)
Operation of ARPA and AIS Reporting Functions to Obtain Target Information (8 minute video, 5 minute reading, 3 minute quiz) (7:57)
Possible Errors of Interpretation of Target Data (4 minute video, 3 minute quiz) (3:43)
Causes of Error in Displayed Data (5 minute video and 3 minute quiz) (5:42)
System Operational Tests to Determine Data Accuracy (7 minute video and 3 minute quiz) (7:07)
Risk of Over-Reliance on ARPA and AIS Reported Information (10 minute video and 30 minutes reading) (8:06)
Exercise 5: Operational Use of ARPA and AIS (4 hours)
Demonstration of Using ARPA and AIS in a Confined Waterway (10 minute video) (10:08)
Demonstration of Using ARPA and AIS in Coastal Waters (10 minute video) (9:59)
Self Paced ARPA Tracking Exercises (4 exercises) (1.5 hour) (4:48)
Preparations for Live Training (2 hours)
Exercise 6: Exam and Assessments
Exam Preparation (4 minutes of video) (3:43)
Lesson 14: Course Conclusion (20 minutes)
Key Takeaways for Real World Radar Use (5 minutes of video) (5:28)
Other Navigation Aids (9 minutes of video and 5 minutes of reading)
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