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Radar Observer Unlimited (USCG Approved)
Lesson 0: Course Introduction
Course Introduction (6:05)
References and Resources
Instructor Resume
Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Radar
Fundamentals of Radar, Intro (12:59)
Fundamentals of Radar, Deeper Dive (23:23)
Reading Assignment
Lesson 2: Factors Affecting Radar Performance
Equipment Factors Affecting Radar Performance (30:19)
Equipment Factors Reading Assignment
External Factors Affecting Radar Performance (30:55)
External Factors Reading Assignment
Lesson 3: Operational Controls, Settings, and Optimum Display
Radar Overview for Operational Controls (45:53)
Introduction to ARPA (4:47)
Introduction to AIS (5:20)
Lesson 4: Wartsila Cloud Simulation Tutorials and Overview
Logging in to the Ocean Learning Portal (3:48)
General Familiarization with Interface (24:25)
Exercise 1: Interface and Tuning the Radar (facilitated online learning)
Preparation for Facilitated Online Learning Exercise
Lesson 5: Fundamentals of Speed, Distance, Time, and the Maneuvering Board
Speed, Distance, and Time
Orientation to the Maneuvering Board (5:33)
Vectors and Maneuvering Board Lingo (8:43)
Lesson 6: Fundamentals of Relative Motion
Relative Motion Theory (9:19)
Relative Motion Demonstration #1 (Visual, Radar, MoBoard) (18:10)
Relative Motion Demonstration #2 (Visual, Radar, MoBoard) (12:41)
Relative Motion Demonstration #3 (Visual, Radar) (5:47)
Determination of Direction and Speed of Relative Motion (6:39)
Direction and Speed of Relative Motion Practice
Lesson 7: Target CPA Calculation
CPA Time and Bearing Theory (9:26)
CPA Time and Bearing Demonstration (MoBoard) (10:21)
CPA Time and Bearing Practice
Lesson 8: Target Course and Speed Calculation
Course and Speed Calculation Theory (14:52)
Transfer Plotting Demonstration (9:22)
Rapid Radar Plotting Demonstration (6:53)
Course and Speed Calculation Practice
Lesson 9: Advanced Techniques
Avoidance (17:05)
Intercept (8:33)
Trial Maneuvers and Course/Speed Change Radar Demonstration (9:04)
Avoidance and Intercept Practice
Exercise 2: Target Plotting Practice Session
Exercise Introduction (5 minutes) (1:33)
Exercise 2a (Graded Exercise) CPA (10 minutes) (3:31)
Exercise 2b (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA Bearing, CPA Time (15 minutes) (6:12)
Exercise 2c (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA Bearing, CPA Time (15 minutes) (4:01)
Exercise 2d (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA B/T, Course, Speed (25 minutes) (10:05)
Exercise 2e (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA B/T, Course, Speed (25 minutes) (4:23)
Exercise 2f (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA B/T, Course, Speed, ROTR (30 minutes) (6:17)
Exercise 2g (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA B/T, Course, Speed, ROTR (30 minutes) (5:42)
Exercise 2h (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA B/T, Course, Speed, ROTR, Avoidance(30 minutes) (8:26)
Exercise 2i (Graded Exercise) CPA, CPA B/T, Course, Speed, ROTR, Avoidance (30 minutes) (5:24)
Exercise 2j (Graded Exercise) Relative Motion Concepts (10 minutes) (2:47)
Exercise 2k (Graded Exercise) Relative Motion Concepts (15 minutes) (2:24)
Maneuvering Board Extra Practice Problem Bank
Lesson 10: Collision Avoidance Regulations as Pertaining to Radar
COLREGS overview as pertaining to Radar (1:58)
Rule 2: Responsibility (2:46)
Rule 4: Application (3:01)
Rule 5: Look-out (3:16)
Rule 6: Safe Speed (8:26)
Rule 7: Risk of Collision (7:09)
Rule 8: Action to Avoid Collision (7:03)
Rule 19: Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility (9:40)
Common Situations Demonstrated on Radar (19:57)
Exercise 3: Radar Assisted Collision Avoidance (Self-Paced Online Learning)
Intro To COLREGS Exercises (6:28)
Preparations for Overtaking Exercise (1 hour) (Rule 13 Overtaking Ex 1) (4:48)
Preparations for Head On Exercise (1 hour) (Rule 14 Head on Ex 1) (4:48)
Preparations for Crossing Exercise (1 hour) (Rule 15 Crossing Ex 1) (4:48)
Preparations for Low Vis, Multiple Ships (1 hour) (Rule 19 Multiple) (4:48)
Lesson 11: Radar as a Navigational Aid
Overview of Radar Navigation (14:06)
Radar Fixing, Ranges, and Bearings (15:38)
Parallel Indexing (7:00)
Other Navigation Aids (8:47)
Exercise 4: Radar Navigation Session (facilitated online learning)
Preparation for Facilitated Online Learning Exercise (5 minutes) (1:32)
Exercise 4a1: Radar Position Fixing #1 (15 minutes) (5:08)
Exercise 4b: Anchorage Verification (20 minutes) (5:27)
Exercise 4a2: Radar Position Fixing #2 (15 minutes) (3:13)
Exercise 4a3: Radar Position Fixing #3 (15 minutes) (4:39)
Live Online Simulation for Radar Navigation
Exercise 5: Exam and Assessments
Exam Preparation (3:43)
Lesson 12: Course Conclusion
Key Takeaways for Real World Radar Use (5:28)
Introduction to ARPA
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