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200 Ton Upgrade (Online Version) - USCG Approved
Course and Instructor Introduction
Instructor Resume
Course Intro (3:22)
Deck Safety, Environmental Protection, and Vessel Management
Deck Safety Introduction (1:00)
Engineering and Damage Control (32:16)
Atmospheres and Firefighting (8:55)
Lifesaving Equipment and Procedures (25:26)
Stability Fundamentals (15:08)
Stability Problems (60:01)
Ship Sanitation (18:49)
Pollution Prevention and Response (4:30)
Radiotelephones and Communication (29:52)
Maritime Law and CFR (56:23)
Deck Safety Quiz and Knowledge Check
Deck General and Seamanship Fundamentals
Deck General Introduction (1:08)
Block and Tackle Equipment (25:24)
Ropes and Lines (13:54)
Terminology and Hull Markings (9:15)
Forces Acting on Ships (44:12)
Shallow Water and Bank Effects (9:23)
Anchors and Anchor Equipment (36:05)
Mooring Lines and Equipment (23:06)
Deck General Quiz and Knowledge Check
Navigation General Fundamentals
Navigation General Introduction (1:11)
Publications Overview (51:36)
Aids to Navigation Overview (35:04)
Marine Meteorology and Oceanography for Mariners (94:10)
Compasses and Magnetism (17:15)
Visibility of Lights and Navigational Math Trivia Problems (44:14)
Tide Problems and Tidal Current Problems (79:05)
Azimuths (20:05)
Amplitudes (30:30)
Mercator Sailings (17:48)
Navigation General Quiz and Knowledge Check
End of the Course
License Administration (35:35)
Course Conclusion (1:13)
Terminology and Hull Markings
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